Disclaimer & terms of use

“About Milano” publishes information and detailed studies about exhibitions, events and tourist activities organized in Milano and Province. This information derives from either paper or virtual sources of tourist field. Images, pictures, drawings free from royalty are published with written texts for a better understanding of the various subjects. “About Milano” is taking care of selecting its source material with the best care needed in order to respect the third rights laws. However if publication of such information and subjects violates eventual copyright laws, please inform the adminstrator by email and they will be immediately removed.
The authors of the website “About Milano” are neither responsible for websites connected with links nor for their content that could depend on changes in the time.[:it]

“About Milano” pubblica informazioni e approfondimenti su mostre, eventi e attività turistiche organizzate a Milano e Provincia. Per far questo utilizza informazioni raccolte da tutti mezzi di informazione cartacea o virtuale di settore e per una migliore comunicazione sono pubblicate anche immagini e disegni libere da royalty. “About Milano” s’impegna a fare questo con la miglior cura possibile e attenzione e rispetto a diritti di terzi; tuttavia, qualora la loro pubblicazione violasse eventuali diritti d’autore, vogliate comunicarlo via email. Saranno immediatamente rimossi.

Gli autori del sito “About Milano” non sono responsabili dei siti collegati tramite link né del loro contenuto che può essere soggetto a variazioni nel tempo.

[:de]“About Milano” publishes information and detailed studies about exhibitions, events and tourist activities organized in Milano and Province. This information derives from either paper or virtual sources of tourist field. Images, pictures, drawings free from royalty are published with written texts for a better understanding of the various subjects. “About Milano” is taking care of selecting its source material with the best care needed in order to respect the third rights laws. However if publication of such information and subjects violates eventual copyright laws, please inform the adminstrator by email and they will be immediately removed.
The authors of the website “About Milano” are neither responsible for websites connected with links nor for their content that could depend on changes in the time.[:es]“About Milano” publishes information and detailed studies about exhibitions, events and tourist activities organized in Milano and Province. This information derives from either paper or virtual sources of tourist field. Images, pictures, drawings free from royalty are published with written texts for a better understanding of the various subjects. “About Milano” is taking care of selecting its source material with the best care needed in order to respect the third rights laws. However if publication of such information and subjects violates eventual copyright laws, please inform the adminstrator by email and they will be immediately removed.
The authors of the website “About Milano” are neither responsible for websites connected with links nor for their content that could depend on changes in the time.[:]